Digitalization of Waste Management for Better Waste Management University General


            Waste management is currently still a quite complicated problem, this is caused by many things including the lack of public awareness about waste. This is the reason for students of the Environmental Engineering study program at Udayana University to make an innovation regarding digitizing waste management. The innovations carried out consisted of several activities, namely the Digitization of the Garbage Bank (Website) and BSF Magot Cultivation, and the Garbage Bank Educational Area. This was done with the aim of facilitating and accelerating admin performance in managing the waste bank in Pedawa Village (Balawa Garbage Bank). This activity is also part of the Udayana Capacity Building Program (PPK) for the Department of Environmental Engineering.

            The activity was launched at the Pedawa Village Office, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Sunday (18/12). The launching activity was attended by Ketut Suwarmawan (Head of the Kominfosanti Office of Buleleng Regency), Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D. (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University), Head of the Regional Research, Development and Innovation Agency, Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, M.Erg. (Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information), Kadek Diana Harmayani, ST, MT, Ph.D. (Coordinator of the Environmental Engineering Study Program at Udayana University), and Representatives of Environmental Engineering Study Program Lecturers. Also present on the occasion were the Head of the Banjar Subdistrict, the pedawa headmaster, the chief of the pedawa traditional village and the balawa community.

            The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University really appreciates the results of the innovations that have been carried out by students. This innovation is a real form that can be carried out and is useful for increasing public awareness, especially in Pedawa Village, to carry out sustainable waste management.