Students Association
The Environmental Engineering Student Association (HMTL) is one of the student organizations within the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University which houses students from the Environmental Engineering study program. HMTL aims to accommodate the aspirations and creativity and talent interests of students of the Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University in both academic and non-academic fields. HMTL Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University was established in 2021 through various considerations discussed in the plenary session of the Members' Meeting (MUSANG).
In its management structure, HMTL consists of:
1. Chief
2. Deputy Chairman I
3. Vice Chairman II
4. Secretary I
5. Secretary II
6. Treasurer I
7. Treasurer II
8. Field I (responsible in the field of research and scientific reasoning)
a. Division of Scientific Research and Development, Competitions and Scholarships
9. Field II, responsible for areas of interest and talent in charge of:
a. Sports and Arts Division
10. Field III, is responsible for student welfare which oversees:
a. Fundraising and Exchange Division
b. SKP Preparation and Archiving Division
11. Field IV is responsible for publication, documentation and communication in charge of:
a. Division of Publication, Documentation and Public Relations
12. Field V is responsible for facilities and infrastructure in charge of:
a. Security, Equipment, and Transportation Division
b. Community Service and Spiritual Division