Clean Beach and Sea Movement with IATPI Bali University General
"Kuta Berseri, Songsong Pariwisata Jaya Lagi.."
The tagline was the motivation for the participants of the Clean Beach and Sea Movement which was attended by practitioners, community members, students and lecturers from various universities. The activity with the theme "I love my Bali" which was held on Sunday, December 26, 2021, went smoothly. The activity was carried out and attended by various stakeholders such as Udayana University, IATPI (Indonesian Sanitation and Environmental Engineering Experts Association) Bali, IAP Bali (Indonesian Planning Experts Association), UNMAS Denpasar, and IDB (Bali Business and Design Institute). The activity took place from 07.00 WITA until noon.
It is hoped that in the future, there will be more stakeholders and enthusiastic participants in activities and movements that support the cleanliness and sustainability of tourism in Bali, so that the environment in the Bali tourism area, especially Kuta beach, will be clean and radiant, so that it can improve and restore the glory of the world of tourism on the Bali Island.